Contribution des communautés religieuses à l’histoire de l’archidiocèse de Sherbrooke

Pavillon Perreault


Initiated by Father Simon Perreault, the Société de Réhabilitation was incorporated in 1943. Initially, its mission was to facilitate rehabilitation of tuberculous patients during and following their stay in the sanatorium. Later on, the Société will concentrate its efforts in providing lodging for orphans upon their leaving the orphanage, promoting their adoption, finding foster homes and ensuring protection for physically and mentally challenged individuals. In 1948, the Filles de la Charité de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul took over the management of the nursery and of the Pavillon Perreault. When they left in 1954, the Dominicaines des Saints-Anges-Gardiens bought the Nursery and the Pavillon Perreault.

The opening of the Centre Notre-Dame de l'enfant in 1965 led to the transfer of the residents from the Pavillon Perreault to the new institution. The positive influence that the Dominicaines des Saints-Anges Gardiens had on the young girls under their care allowed them to polish up their manners and  prepare them to join the work force.